manjulali's blog


Kapha is earth and water. It is heavy, unmoving, and mucousy. Kapha is the heaviest of all the three dosas.


Vata is composed of space and air. Their skin type is usually dry, thin, prone to wrinkles, and cool to the touch. Imbalanced vata skin looks tired, stressed, dry, might have blackheads, prone to premature aging and wrinkles. Imbalances in their digestion displays eczema, psoriasis, or even a skin fungus. Mental stress, worry, fear, anxiety, and lack of sleep can have a huge impact on a vata’s skin leaving it dull and tired looking. Vatas are more likely to have dryness and show signs of aging. They appear older than pittas and kaphas.

Daily Sense Therapies for Vata Pitta

 Daily Sense Therapies for Vata Pitta

Such a person needs to  increase earth and water elements in their body and mind and reduce air and fire. Here are some ideas. 

Ayurvedic tablets or Vatis

Creation of Ayurvedic Tablets (Vati)

Ayurvedic Tablets - Recipe for Eladi Vati
by Kristen George, AC, Bhaishaja Kalpana student

Aloe as an Anupana


by Kristen George, Ayurvedic Counselor

Image removed.

Anupanas are vehicles that increase efficacy of herbs, and, are responsible for delivering the herb to the respective dhatu(tissue).

Kumari svarasa as anupana for Amrit - Detoxification

Ayurveda and Milk

Use of milk (dairy) in Ayurvedic Medicine

By Manjulali

In the last decade, especially with studies on casein, and, many people developing sensitivity to Lactose, a sugar found within dairy/milk, or, problems digesting milk proteins; milk has developed a bad reputation in the United States.

I get asked constantly in my Herb class, if Almond milk, or, soymilk is okay to substitute for dairy? The answer is yes if you want to substitute, sure. If someone is sensitive to dairy, then go ahead and substitute with a non-dairy alternative.

Regular Bowel Movements are the secret to Health

Regular Bowel Movements are the secret to Health

By Monica B Groover, PhD, PK

A chiropractor friend recently told me, that he recently did muscle testing for a patient, and, found out that constipation and irregular elimination increased their symptoms. When his patients have regular bowel movements, their back pain seems diminished.

Ayurveda believes that balanced elimination is KEY to good health.

Creation of Ayurveda Formulas (Bhashajya Kalpana) ​​​​​​​

Creation of Ayurveda Formulas (Bhashajya Kalpana)
By Dr. Mithun Baliga

(Ayurveda Practitioner)

Bhaishaja Kalpana, Creation of Ayurveda Formulas is the art of processing of different therapeutic compounds together as a formulations. It is one of the most important aspects of Ayurveda. Ayurvedic dravya and “herb” as in western herbology are very different things although the general public think the word herb encompasses all non-allopathic/ CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) compounds.