Ayurvedic cooking

Bhakta rice using basmati rice in a rice cooker

Automatic rice cookers are a great kitchen convenience, but if you've tried to use them for brown rice the results may have been tough, chewy and dry. Here's how to get great results with bhakta rice that is super-easy to digest!

The lotus eaters

The lotus flower is a globally recognized symbol. Why does it have such significance, and what is it used for in Ayurveda? The dried petals of the lotus flower can be used to make a tea. Lotus roots are often sliced and cooked in vegetable preparations to make a tasty and crunchy addition, and they have many favorable properties, particularly for women's health. Lotus seeds are puffed and also used in various preparations. There are many Sanskrit words for the lotus - kamala, padma and pankaja are probably the first three that come to mind.