Ayurvedic Herbs Are Different

We don't call the study of Ayurvedic Herbs Herbology. We use the word "dravya". This means any substance therapeutic whether plant, mineral or rock. (example shilajit is a substance that oozes out of a rock).

Energetics of Ayurvedic Herbs include five things. These are called Rasa panchadi.

1. Rasa (Taste)
2. Virya (heating or cooling)
3. Vipaka (after taste)
4. Guna and Karma (Qualities and action)
5. Prabhava (ultimate effect)


The six tastes are called the rasas

sweet-amchur (dry mango powder)


The heating or cooling quality of a dravya is called virya.
Heating: Ginger
Cooling: Cardamom

Guna and Karma

Here are examples of some karma or action based on their qualities.

1. Dīpana action stimulate the main Agni in the small intestine.
They may help in metabolism of ama. Examples: Trikatu, and chitkrak.
2. Pācana action digest ama and strengthen agni. (As long as it is not fat soluble ama). Examples include muśta, kutaja, garlic, ginger.
3. Śamana action pacify doshas. Honey is best shamana for kapha, haritaki for vata and amla berry for pitta.
4. Śodhana action cleansesand remove aggravated Doṣas from the body. Examples include Castor oil and Madanphala.
5. Staṃbhana action that absorb excess water. Examples include Dravya with astringent tastes such as Kutaja and Pomegranate.
6. Grahi action add bulk and solidify stool.
7.Anulomana action works as mild laxatives. Examples include warm organic milk (non homogenized), ghee, haritaki and triphala.
8.Sraṁsana acts as a mild purgative. (virechana)
9. Bhedana act as stool softeners. Examples Aloe.
10. Lekhana These dravya have a scraping action on the Dhātus, Dośas and Malas. Examples include Guggulu, and turmeric.